Housing Week Recap
Housing Week was a success! Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in an event. Don’t worry if you missed us… There’s still time to take the online public survey and be entered to win a prize!

Housing Week Recap
The City of Napa hosted various events during Housing Week, July 25-31, including informal engagement at community events and multiple focus groups. Outreach efforts were successful thanks to all the members of the community who participated in one way or another!
What We Heard from You
- Over 150 potential sites for new housing were identified by community members, with the Central Napa neighborhood being the top choice closely followed by Westwood.
- The Soscol, Beard, and Vintage neighborhoods were also favored locations for new housing.
- Living in a community that embraces diversity and inclusion where neighbors feel supported was identified as the top priority by community members.
- The second priority identified was residing near employment and community amenities like parks and shopping, or having access to more transportation options to get there.
- The third priority identified was living in a unique place that embraces community character and heritage.

We heard you and we’re still listening! It’s not too late to tell us where you think future housing in Napa is needed. Next, we will start crafting policies and programs based on site analysis, identified constraints, and community feedback on priorities.

As part of Napa’s Housing Element Update, we must identify adequate sites to accommodate at least 2,669 new housing units, our share of the projected growth in needed housing in California. Balancing Act is an interactive tool that enables you to run different “scenarios” of housing allocation and provide input on where housing should go in the city. The results of the Balancing Act survey will be used to guide development of the Draft Housing Element.